Breath + Bandha / Art of Vinyasa Workshops

Breath + Bandha: It's time to stop guessing.Learn about the intimate connection between the pelvic floor, core and breath.. then put this new knowledge into a guided seated practice.
You'll gain a clear understanding of correct breath patterning, what is pranayama, how the core is involved in breathing and what exactly is a Bandha and why does it matter?

Art of Vinyasa: Do you hold your breath?  Are you unsure if you're breathing correctly during your yoga practice?
Explore how breath guides physical movement and why we inhale or exhale during certain patterns.  You will leave clarity AND a new sense of ease and lightness in your movement.  This is essential for any practitioner of a vinyasa based yoga practice.

These sessions are designed for all levels of practitioners and teachers.

Date: June 22, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: Main Shala
Date: June 22, 2024
Time: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Location: Main Shala
Spaces Left: 11 Capacity: 20
Event Prices:
$57.75 - Breath + Bandha @ 10:30AM
$57.75 - Art of Vinyasa @ 12:30PM
$103.95 - Both Workshops

Registration is closed for this event.